First monday in advent

Psalm 100:1  Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.

Who or what is this psalm's first verse addressed to? 

List all the possible "all the earth" entities you can think of. Might this include animals (See Isaiah 11:6-7)? Might this include mountains and hills and valleys (See Isaiah 55:12)? What about storms, the waves, the planets, distant stars, microscopic creatures, etc.?

The Psalmist says we are to “shout for joy”. Have you ever shouted for joy to the Lord?  If so, where, when, and why? If not why not?

Thanksgiving was last Thursday and it was probably different from prior years due to the coronavirus. How did that affect your Thanksgiving gatherings and celebrations? How do your plans look for Christmas? What emotion would you like to express to God right now? Joy? Anger? Sorrow? Disappointment? Exhaustion?

Take a moment to discuss your emotions with God now.

Can you think of something which makes you joyful? Try shouting for joy to God about that. If you have difficulty thinking of something, consider what Christ did for you on the cross.

The theme of the first week in Advent is faithfulness – God’s faithfulness to us, and our faith and faithfulness to him.

How do your thoughts about joy today witness to God’s faithfulness? How do they witness to our faith and faithfulness?

How can you increase your joy, your faith and your faithfulness?


Psalm 100:2

