Can you imagine what it would be like if prayer were like a help line?
(Automated voice) “Thank you for calling heaven where your prayers are always important. In order to serve you better please briefly say why you are praying.”
“My dad is sick and I …”
“You’re calling about someone who is sick, is that right?”
“Yes, it’s my dad and …”
“Please say the name of the person who is sick.”
“Philip. It’s my dad and his name is Philip.”
“The name of the sick person is Phyllis, is that correct?”
“No! It’s my dad and his name is Philip.”
“Please say the name of the person who is sick.”
“The name of the sick person is Phillip, is that correct?”
“Yes, he’s my dad and …”
“Please say how Philip is related to you. If you are Philip say ‘myself’. If Philip is not related to you say ‘not related’.”
Anyway, you get the picture. Fortunately we know that when we pray we are talking to the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, our heavenly Father, and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Furthermore we have the full, undivided attention of a God who cares very deeply about us. Let us not neglect that awesome gift.