Psalm 100:2

Psalm 100:2, Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.

 In verse 1 we were instructed to shout with joy. In verse 2 we are instructed to worship with gladness and to sing joyful songs. Why? (Note: the psalmist hasn’t told us yet, but he will)

 What are some of the things in your life which make you glad? Do you worship the Lord with gladness for these things which make you glad? Are there things or events in your life which are not making you so happy? Can you be honest with God about the things that make you happy and the things that make you unhappy?

 Talk with God about those things now.

 Can you worship God in spite of those things that make you unhappy? Can you truthfully say to God "Lord, these are hurting me, but I worship you because you have never abandoned me.  You lift me up, so I praise you."?

Try praying that prayer right now.

 See 2 Chronicles 29:30; Job 3:22; Isaiah 64:5.  Do these readings show how we can be glad in many different circumstances?

 How does our worship testify to God’s faithfulness? How does our worship testify to our faith and our faithfulness?


Psalm 100:3


Psalm 100:2