Advent week 2 - hope

This week is the second week in advent, and the theme for this week is “hope”. But what do we mean by hope? We normally think of hope as a longing for something, and this longing may or may not have a basis in reality. I hope some of you will read these devotions and think about the questions asked. That’s a certain hope based on the feedback I’ve received from you in the past. I hope it doesn’t snow this winter. That’s a forlorn hope that’s almost certain to be disappointed.

Biblical hope is more than a feeling of longing. It isn’t simply being perpetually optimistic or having a “hopeful” attitude. Scripture offers us an understanding of hope that is much more robust. Christian hope has heft, endurance, and purpose—and God is its source. Christian hope is on the character, actions and promises of God.

This week we will be looking at two different scriptures each day. The first is Psalm 130. The second is Romans 15:1-13. You may want to take some time right now to read through those passages and ask yourself where you find hope in them.

We need hope as we continue to deal with COVID and other issues in our lives. We need hope as we struggle with our own temptations to sin. We need hope as we remember our friends and family that don’t know the hope found in Jesus Christ.

Walk with me down this path of hope in our Advent journey.


crying in hope


Psalm 100:5