Psalm 100:5

Psalm 100:5,  For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

 Building on verse 3, the psalmist tells us why we are to sing praises to God.  What truths does the psalmist tell us in this one verse (I count 3 of them)?

How has the Lord been good to you?

 How do you see the Lord's enduring love for you?

 How have you recognized God's faithfulness to you in the past and today?   

How do goodness and love relate to faithfulness?

How does God’s goodness, love and faithfulness relate to your own faith and faithfulness?

Think over this past year and all the things that have happened in 2020. Did you doubt God’s goodness, love and/or faithfulness at any time this last year? What did you do with those doubts, if you had them? If you didn’t doubt, why do you think your faith was so strong?

Doubt is a lack of faith and therefore a sin. But it is also a natural reaction to difficult times. If you doubted, or if someone you know expressed doubts, remember that our doubts doesn’t change God. He is still good, his love still endures and his faithfulness still continues. There’s a particular verse that speaks about sin and God’s faithfulness:

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9, NIV)

Perhaps you or someone you know needs to recommit to having faith and being faithful. Because we know that God is good, loving and faithful, he is always ready to forgive and purify us.


Advent week 2 - hope


Psalm 100:4